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Monday, November 1, 2010

So far..

I have been talking to Lorian Welsh, she used to work with foster kids that needed help in education. She is going to advice me on how reach kids like this and help them with their problems. She has dealt with a lot of situations in where the kids have lost hope in their studies and lives because of their parents not being around. She has experience in this field of helping kids who don't have much succeed in the real world. I have talked to Tracye Anderson who works with the Big Brother/Big Sister program. She also has dealt with a lot of situations in which kids aren't so lucky to have everything being given to them. She has worked with kids that aren't that fortunate and have succeeded by motivation of a mentor.

1 comment:

  1. Tell us more about your conversations and how they have influenced your thinking. What are the areas of expertise of these resources, how did you find them, and what gives them a sense of authority on this subject. You address this generally, but your readers will want to know more.
